IMG Everest Expedition
Dispatch #34
May 21, 2008
Leader Ang Jangbu reports that Adam and Ang Namgya and Kurt and Kancha Nuru are
now on the summit and will be starting down soon. Chip, Vance, Joe, and
their sherpas are making good time and are now below the Balcony on the way
down. Justin, Dean, and Jaro are in the Yellow Band on their move up
to the Col from C3. Val and Phunuru, Tim and Phinjo, Ryan, Serge, Rohan
and Hamill are moving up to C3. Monty, Scott, and Bob are heading for BC
from C2. Dave and Nicky are in route to C2 from C1.
Eric Simonson
IMG Everest Expedition
Dispatch #33
May 21, 2008
IMG Leader Mark Tucker reports
that Chip with Jamling, Vance with Pemba Dorje and Joe with Mingma Tshering have
reached the summit and are now on their way down. Adam and Ang Namgya and
Kurt are a little below the summit still going up.
IMG Everest Expedition
Dispatch #32
21, 2008
IMG Leader Mark Tucker called to say that the summit team
are all above the Balcony now and making good time. Several of them are
getting close to the South Summit.
Eric Simonson
Hey Bob-Sorry you and Scott did not get to Sumnitt (?reports somewhat unclear)...but, can't wait to see you and hear all about the trip !!!
Love Ya!
your favorite sister
Ron: I have posted an update on Scott's Blog at http://www.onorbit.com/node/250
It explains why Scott did not summit. No news on Bob. Double bummer.
Thanks Keith - Still a great accomplishment to be up there for 2 months! Can't wait to hear the details from everyone..
Yea this was still a Herculean feat that few ever even attempt - much less get that high. Kudos to all involved. I live out in Reston. Lemme know if there is a welcome home party!
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