Tuesday, May 20, 2008

IMG Dispatch # 26

Getting closer...


IMG Everest Expedition
Dispatch #26
May 20, 2008

Leader Ang Jangbu reports:

2 of the fixing sherpas (from other
team) continued and summitted at 4 pm this afternoon. Our guys, Danuru and Dawa
as usual led the charge and fixed all the way to lower part of the rocks below
South Summit. They are back down on Col and going back up with Casey's team.
They will be waking up shortly to get ready. They were talking about 9pm
departure. Team will be: Casey, Bob, Ari, Danuru, Dawa, Nima Karma. We have
Datenji the camp 4 cook for Casey's team. Scott, Adam, Bob, Chip, Vance, Joe
& Kurt are at Camp 3. The sick Korean flew out this morning from Base
Camp. Val, Monty, Ryan, Rohan, Serge, Justin, Dean, Jaro, Tim, Mike went
to C2 today.

Eric Simonson

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