Thursday, May 22, 2008

IMG Dispatch # 36, 37, 38

Several more members of the IMG team have made the summit and are heading back down... I heard from Eric that Bob is back at BC. As soon as I get an update I will let you know.


IMG Everest Expedition
Dispatch #38
May 22, 2008

Leader Ang Jangbu reports that our IMG climbers reached the summit of Mt Everest
at 6:55am. Congratulations to Justin (#2), Dean, Jaroslaw, Mingma Tenzing
(#4), Tsewang Lendu (#2), and Passang Nuru. The weather is holding
and they are starting their descent now.


IMG Everest Expedition
May 22, 2008

IMG Leader Mark Tucker reports on the sat
phone that Justin, Dean, Jaroslaw, and the Sherpas have just called down on the
radio and they are on the South Summit (about 5:30am Nepal time). The
weather is clear and a little breezy. They are all together and will be
starting the traverse to the Hillary Step soon.


IMG Everest Expedition
Dispatch #36
22, 2008

IMG Leader Mark Tucker reports on the sat phone that
Justin, Dean, and Jaroslaw left the Col at 9:18pm. Climbing with them are
Mingma Tenzing, Tshewang Lhendu, and Pasang Nuru. It sounds like there was
some snowfall this afternoon, but now the clouds have dropped, and the wind is
calm. Sounds like a nice night to go climbing!! We'll keep our
fingers crossed and not expect to hear from them until they get up by the

Eric Simonson

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Bob-
Can't wait to hear from you...per Scott's site you may be leaving BC within 24 hours for Khatmandu..?? Hope all is well...thinking about you...I have a case of beer and a hammock in the shade with your name on it for a well deserved R&R...
Love ya !
your favorite sister