Saturday, March 29, 2008

Update from Bob

Here's the latest from Bob - Looks like they are making good progress!
So far so good...

Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2008 12:31 AM
I am in Namche right now at 11,230 feet. The information we now have
is that we will not be allowed any outside communication until after May
10th. IMG can send some things out once they are approved by the
representative and military on the mountain.

the mini update is
that we are here for 3 days and have about 5 more days until we make it to base

feeling good, no problems, met my sherpa Karmarita (Karma)
today, climbing for 7 years 4 summits.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, sounds good. There seems to be a great deal of a following at my workplace, and a lot of people have been asking me about you and everything. We're all watching--no pressure or nothin. Peace out